

Gamedev hackathon at the Poznań Game Jam

Many major cities in the world hosted Global Game Jam this past weekend. I was at the Poznań Game Jam promoting HTML5 and JavaScript as the technology of choice to create the games, along with Firefox OS as the perfect mobile platform for the job.

Enclave Games

Hungry Fridge - the making of

I wanted to complete a full year with One Game a Month challenge, but I failed miserably in January, so I’m just trying to finish some of the games I started half a year ago or so. The last time it was Monser Wants Candy – started in October 2013, finished in July 2014. Now’s the time for Hungry Fridge – started in November 2013, finished… right now.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly report: February 2014

I decided to have a monthly reports about all the Enclave-related activities. It won’t be an income report as this aspect is still a work-in-progress – I mean, most of my projects are free, open sourced and targeted to deliver value to the community, but I’ll have to work on making money out of it somehow. Anyway, here’s what happened in February:

Enclave Games

Host your HTML5 games on GitHub Pages

Thanks to GitHub you can use their Pages to host any website without backend directly from your repository. HTML5 games are not different – it’s just HTML, CSS and JavaScript. If your games get a lot of traffic and you don’t want to pay too much for hosting, plus you can share the code as open source, then it’s the ideal solution for you.

Enclave Games

HTML5 Gamedev Starter

Here’s the spontaneous work I did today, a single page targeted especially for the new HTML5 game developers that are looking for a list of places they should visit to start and to be up-to-date with HTML5 game development:

Enclave Games

Hello gamedev world!

Time to start blogging! As you can see it’s just the bare minimum – an Octopress instance with the Classic Light theme. I wanted to have this blog prettier, but hell – too many times I didn’t start something because it wasn’t 100% ready and after some time it died and never saw the light. So here I am, braking my own rules, having “just the basics”. You can say whatever you like, I’m just going to focus on the content and hopefully at some point I’ll have a shiny, original and beautiful blog with everything just as I wanted.

Gamedev announces HTML5 gamedev compo for students

The guys from (supporters of the first js13kGames competition) have started their own compo for students that are (or want to be) also an HTML5 game developers. There's over $10,000 in prizes, so it's a good idea to check it out, learn making games and actually finish one.


After the Warsaw Game Jam 2013

Last weekend was full of the game development goodness - I've organized Warsaw Game Jam, the first edition of the Global Game Jam. Thanks to our amazing sponsors - Mozilla and GitHub, we could provide cozy place with good Wi-Fi, food and drinks (mostly beer and pizza) for everybody during the whole weekend. It wasn't only the Game Jam itself, but we were working hard for the Mozilla Game On competition and thinking about fulfilling One Game a Month at the same time. On sunday evening we even had a meet.js meetup with some guys from the Firefox OS team!


Game On, Game Off - Mozilla vs GitHub and Realtime

If you're an HTML5 game developer that have a lot of free time, want to win something and participate with others then there's a couple of interesting competitions going on right now or in the near future. Let's have a look at what's going on.


Front-Face - play to win a ticket for the Front-Trends 2012 conference!

There's only a couple of days left till the Front-Trends 2012 conference start and the tickets are already sold out. Don't worry, I've got one left just for you - the only requirement to get it is to play Front-Face, another game from the growing collection of my HTML5 games promoting front-end and JavaScript events in Poland. Let's see what's this game about and how to win the ticket!