

Burning out... and shifting focus again

Learning the truth that the only constant is change is the most annoying thing someone with a solid plan can experience. Bonus points if you're in the autism spectrum and hate any changes to your plan whatsoever.


Hang your tweets on a wall with framed posts from StickerMule

StickerMule, the company from which we're buying all our stickers for more than a decade already decided to print tweets and frame them, so you can hang them on your wall. Weird? Yes. Did I get one? Obviously!


My GitHub Star status renewed for the fourth year!

I'm staying in the GitHub Stars program for another year! I wasn't sure this will be extended for the fourth time, since at the very beginning the plan was to have any given Star for a maximum of three years in the program and then automatically turn them into an alumni.


Sentimental blast from the past with Grid

If you remember my blog post Nostalgia framed to the last detail from last year, or a particular js13kGames 2022 prize, then you might probably know what to expect from this one: old-school stuff looking great (again).


Becoming W3C Games Community Group co-chair

I'm excited to announce that I was accepted as a co-chair into the W3C Games Community Group, joining Tom Greenaway from Google and Noël Meudec from Meta, with the support of François Daoust from W3C.


My GitHub Star status renewed again

I'm happy and proud to say that my GitHub Star status was renewed for the third year, extending my stay in the program for the whole 2023!


Grid - nostalgia framed to the last detail

We've been offered Grid Studio frames as physical prizes in the js13kGames competition, and I was lucky enough to get two frames for myself - a Game Boy console and an XBox One controller.


GitHub Star status renewed

I'm happy to report that after being awarded the GitHub Star status last year, and going through the verification process at the beginning of 2022, I was renewed for the second year in the program.


GamesBeat Summit Next panel: moving from Web 2 to Web 3 games

I had the pleasure of joining a panel discussion titled Moving from Web 2 to Web 3 games that was held during the online GamesBeat Summit Next conference on November 9-10 2021.


October events galore

I wasn't planning much for October, but ended up with a whole lot of online events I've attended and actively participated in over the past month.