

WebVR Warsaw #2: A-Frame and ReactVR

The second meetup of the series in Warsaw was held last week, on March 15th - this time I was talking about A-Frame.


Meet.js Katowice #1E with Gamedev.js

Last week, on March 14th, I went from Warsaw to Katowice for the joint event between Meet.js and Gamedev.js, a meetup we organized together - not the first one, and definitely not the last.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: February 2018

Finally, a not delayed Monthly Report. February was ok-ish given what were the plans - I haven't worked on any of the gamedev projects, but I did wrote a few articles and attended some events.


WebVR Warsaw #1 meetup

Almost two weeks ago, on February 22nd, the first WebVR meetup was organized in Warsaw - a collaboration between Gamedev.js, Meet.js and SwingDev.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: November 2017

This monthly report is delayed three weeks - it shows how busy my schedule was. There still was a lot of work with the js13kGames competition, but at least it's finally getting to an end. Also, the last Gamedev.js Warsaw meetup this year happened.


Gamedev.js Warsaw #9 and the summary of 2017

Last meetup this year was held on Tuesday, November 28th in the same place as usual. It was also the very first one I haven't led personally, because I had laryngitis and couldn't say a word.


Gamedev.js Warsaw #8

The last regular meetup happened in June, and then during vacations we had a special js13kGames Launch Party event. After the break we've returned with Gamedev.js Warsaw meetups in October.


Js13kGames 2017 Launch Party

We did something brand new this year - organized launch party for the js13kGames competition, as part of the Gamedev.js meetups in Warsaw.


Gamedev.js Warsaw #6

After having the Mozilla Developer Roadshow in May, the Gamedev.js meetups returned to the regular place, Crux. During the sixth meetup happening in June we had something brand new - Gamedev.js Showcase, a way to show your games to the rest of the community.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: June 2017

Most of the time was spent on preparations for the js13kGames competition, 2017 edition. The compo starts in the middle of August, and needs a whole lot of time to make it work.