The second meetup of the series in Warsaw was held last week, on March 15th - this time I was talking about A-Frame.
I was giving a talk at Meet.js Katowice #1E with Gamedev.js the day before, and on Thursday, March 15th I was returning from Katowice by train. Everything was perfectly planned, so I had time for everything, including lunch at home, resting a bit and getting everything I needed for the meetup in the evening, but it failed at the very beginning of the day when my train had more than one hour delay even before I boarded it. After arriving in Warsaw I had to rush through the city to get everything and be on time. And I thought the times when everybody was cursing PKP for constant delays were already over…
Anyway - after the first, opening meetup in February, it was time for me to give a talk - I did an introduction to A-Frame, and gave some tips and tricks from the times when I was helping showcase WebVR demos at booths during various JavaScript conferences. I also gave away js13kGames cardboards, because why not.
The second presentation of that evening was an introduction to ReactVR done by Mirek Ciastek from SwingDev. He was able to successfully complete a 360° video viewing application during a live coding session.
After the talks we had some beers and some cool conversations going on during the rest of the evening. I really enjoy the time when I can talk with people that are at least as much passionate about something as I am.
There will be a third meetup at the beginning of April, and after that we’ll have A-Frame/ReactVR workshops on the weekend of April 14th/15th, and the hackathon as the finale on April 21st.