BlackMoon Design

Enclave Games

Joining forces with GameSnacks

If you haven't noticed, a new portal from Google launched more than a month ago - it's called GameSnacks, and focuses on delivering fast casual gaming experiences.


Game Industry Conference 2017

More than a week ago I was speaking at the Game Industry Conference that was held during the Poznań Game Arena on October 5-8th 2017 in Poznań, Poland.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: May 2017

May was a busy month for all kinds of Gamedev.js events in Warsaw - from a workshop, through hackathon, to a special edition of the meetup.

Enclave Games

I hate Wizard Quest

I hate that game, literally. Almost four years ago I started working on it with BlackMoon Design, it was suppose to be the first serious HTML5 game from Enclave Games, but it ended up being a huge pain - here's the story.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: December 2015

It's this time of the month again - let's see if Christmas got in the way of doing some cool gamedev stuff in December.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: April 2015

Since the last report from March (posted in the middle of April) I’ve focused on the Technical Evangelism activities with the Wizard Quest bugfixing in the meantime. I hope both projects will make me happy eventually.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: August 2014

Most of the August activities revolved around the js13kGames competition. There was so much to be done and I’m not fully happy with the results. I didn’t have time to complete all of the plans I had, but overall I’m amazed by the growing community around the compo.


onGameStart 2013 - the aftermath

After my talk at the RejectJS conference about Firefox OS and HTML5 games in which I showed Captain Rogers being ported to the Mozilla mobile operating system I thought I'll spend the rest of the month being an attendee at onGameStart and chill out with my friends. But in the meantime there was another event on the way.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games

As you may already figured out I'm lately more into HTML5 mobile games rather than front-end development. That's why Enclave Games was born - it is an Indie Game Development studio focused on mobile HTML5 games. It's one-man-army for now, I'll focus on mobile HTML5 games for some time and see what happens.

Enclave Games

Hello gamedev world!

Time to start blogging! As you can see it’s just the bare minimum – an Octopress instance with the Classic Light theme. I wanted to have this blog prettier, but hell – too many times I didn’t start something because it wasn’t 100% ready and after some time it died and never saw the light. So here I am, braking my own rules, having “just the basics”. You can say whatever you like, I’m just going to focus on the content and hopefully at some point I’ll have a shiny, original and beautiful blog with everything just as I wanted.