Since the last report from March (posted in the middle of April) I’ve focused on the Technical Evangelism activities with the Wizard Quest bugfixing in the meantime. I hope both projects will make me happy eventually.
Slowly finishing Wizard Quest. There are only small bugs left, the tutorial is still missing and the most important part left to do – balancing the difficulty level. I hope it’s days rather than months left before the game is finished.
The tutorial about building Breakout clone in pure JavaScript and rendering it on Canvas is kind of ready – all it needs is technical and editorial reviewers to check it. The idea is that it can be used as workshop material, plus I’ll create a Content Kit based on that, so anyone can run a workshop or give a talk using those resources easily. The next thing on the list is a similar material, this time about building games with Phaser. I’ve also helped with the MDN Games page providing content for external links, demos and examples.
I gave a talk at the IGK conference in Siedlce and talked with the fellow developers about HTML5 games and Firefox OS.
Suprisingly enough I did some front-end work: I’ve created a simple page for the Aliens Attack game from BlackMoon Design.
Plans for the next month
Phaser workshop materials, two Content Kits and Wizard Quest – it’s as simple as that.