After the three meetups: #1: intro to WebGL and WebVR, #2: A-Frame and React VR and #3: from the trenches we met last weekend and had a workshop learning how to build WebVR games.
Third WebVR Warsaw meetup happened at the beginning of this month, on April 5th - this time we had one presentation and some lightning talks.
March was a busy month - I've finally finished writing the Progressive Web Apps articles and gave a few talks, mostly lessons learned from the js13kGames competition.
The second meetup of the series in Warsaw was held last week, on March 15th - this time I was talking about A-Frame.
Finally, a not delayed Monthly Report. February was ok-ish given what were the plans - I haven't worked on any of the gamedev projects, but I did wrote a few articles and attended some events.
Almost two weeks ago, on February 22nd, the first WebVR meetup was organized in Warsaw - a collaboration between Gamedev.js, Meet.js and SwingDev.
The submission deadline for the js13kGames 2017 competition was September 13th, but it took almost half a year to finish that edition and be able to write a post mortem.
New year started some time ago already, so let's look back at the past twelve months and see what happened, good or bad. If you want to have a good laugh be sure to check my predictions and plans from 2015 and 2016 - some of them crashed into a wall pretty hard.
Let's quickly summarize two conferences that happened in Warsaw recently: Code Europe on December 7th and GDG DevFest on December 9th. Both events were confirmed very late and both happened just before I flew to Austin for Mozilla's All Hands.
Even though the js13kGames competition ended, there's still plenty of work to be done. I did manage to do some other things in the meantime though.