I was part of the JS Gamedev Summit conference's Program Committee, which was held purely virtual at the beginning of April, so when the JSNation conference (from the same organizers, GitNation) was going to happen in a hybrid form on June 16th, I was invited to visit Amsterdam and participate in person, which I did.
A few months ago Wim Jongman has opened an Issue in the GitHub repository of my Gamedev-Canvas-workshop, which is quite often forked and used as a base for hands-on workshops teaching basics of how to build HTML5 games, asking if it can be included as a Game example in Eclipse. Fast forward to now, and it's there already!
I had the pleasure to be at the very first edition of the JSCamp conference that happened last month, on July 18-20th in Barcelona.
I've just completed writing another quite big update for MDN Games - this time about implementing controls in HTML5 games using Captain Rogers: Battle at Andromeda demo as a case study and explained the source code of the pure JavaScript demo in detail.
The past 2015 year was moderately good for me and for Enclave Games. Check out the article if you're interested in what happened over the last 12 months and what are the plans for the future.
I had the pleasure of visiting my home town and speaking at the local meet.js Lublin meetup - on September 3rd I gave a talk about the Gamepad API.
My first ever trip to South America lasted a week and ended a few days ago - thanks to Mozilla I was visiting Porto Alegre for BrazilJS, the biggest JavaScript conference in the world. Theme for this year was the ninetees (with Power Rangers and Back to the Future) as JavaScript just turned 20 years old, and all the breaks were filled with metal music.