I was invited to give a talk at the Andersen's office in Cracow during the Front-end Hero meetup on July 14th, where I talked about building games in 13 kilobytes.
I've travelled to London last week to give a talk about WebXR at the FullStack 2019 conference that happened July 10th-12th in the Business Design Centre.
Monthly Report for October is published a few days after the September one in an attempt to get back to writing and publishing blog posts on time.
You know the saying that the grass is greener on the other side of the wall? We often envy something we don't have while not acknowledging things we already achieved and taking them for granted. Others may have what we seek, but are tired of things we are looking for.
I was invited to be a mentor at the Edukaton, a hackathon that was aiming to teach how not to get scammed - it was held on February 16th-18th in Warsaw.
Monthly report for January is here, although way later than it should be - check out what happened during that month.
Last Wednesday, on January 11th I had the chance to speak at the WarsawJS meetup that moved to a new place - Warsaw Spire. I decided to talk about Wizard Quest as this story is very well received lately.