Last week I had a great opportunity to meet with many folks from various companies at the W3C workshop on Web games which was held in Microsoft's office in Redmond to discuss the future of Web game development.
I've teamed up with the BLUR folks to help them find HTML5 game developers eager to try the new messaging app that is also a platform to promote indie games.
This is the year of virtual reality headsets being released to the public, with Oculus Rift and HTC Vive being some of the most anticipated hardware. The good news for web developers is that we already have WebVR, a JavaScript API for that. And with the new framework called A-Frame building virtual, 3D environments got easier than ever.
I've worked on a TV game, traveled to Singapore and wrote an article for MDN Games - January was a good month.
The past 2015 year was moderately good for me and for Enclave Games. Check out the article if you're interested in what happened over the last 12 months and what are the plans for the future.
The next, fourth edition of the js13kGames competition just started - you have a whole month to create an HTML5 game in only 13 kilobytes.