Device Lab

Enclave Games

Enclave Games in 2016, and plans for 2017

The year 2016 is already over, so let's see how it went. Was it bad? Better than 2015? Good? See for yourself.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games in 2015, and plans for 2016

The past 2015 year was moderately good for me and for Enclave Games. Check out the article if you're interested in what happened over the last 12 months and what are the plans for the future.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: December 2015

It's this time of the month again - let's see if Christmas got in the way of doing some cool gamedev stuff in December.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: November 2015

I spent November writing gamedev articles for MDN, demoing WebVR in London and realizing I finished a game some time ago already.

Device Lab

Warsaw Open Device Lab

The Device Lab website launched a few months ago, but the Lab itself appeared on the map very recently. It's still 'one of many' projects that I run with no fixed headquarters and an uncertain future, but it already tries to serve its purpose.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: October 2015

Another month passed by - I've continued my WebVR gamedev activities: writing, talking and demoing. There's still some js13kGames work to be done too.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: June 2015

Not much gamedev related work happened in June as I spent the first week of the month on vacations (first time in 3 years!) and the last one attending the Mozilla work week in Canada.