Another month passed by - I’ve continued my WebVR gamedev activities: writing, talking and demoing. There’s still some js13kGames work to be done too.
I’m failing to deliver a secret gamedev project: small one, but very interesting. The last days were intense and crazy, but I hope to finish it as soon as possible. Wizard Quest is still waiting.
I wrote Building up a basic demo with Three.js tutorial on MDN and wrote the setup instructions for the WebVR Content Kit. I’m also working on the series of three articles for MDN about publishing games: distribution, promotion and monetization.
I gave a lightning talk about the Gamepad API at the Falsy Values conference, and talked about WebVR and games during the onGameStart track of the Game Industry Conference that happened at the Poznań Game Arena.
I finally gave away all the js13kGames prizes - now time to finish up the t-shirts and pendrives part. I also added the donation option to the Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter, but I haven’t got any donations yet. The Device Lab should be added to the Open Device Lab map soon.
Plans for the next month
I’m gonna attend MozFest to help with the WebVR and games session, and demo them during the event. I’m also gonna give a talk about similar thing during the Hungarian Web Conference. There’s also the GDG DevFest Poland happening in Warsaw at the end of the month, but I don’t think I’ll be able to attend.