Tradition of laughing while comparing what I wanted to do with Enclave Games in a given year versus what actually happened continues. Let's recap the past year and prepare some plans for the upcoming one that probably won't happen anyway.
Last month of the year, December, have seen a few events, and some swag being shipped to those who were suppose to get it a month or two ago already.
Who would've thought I'll be running around Warsaw and trying to cover Disney on Ice (Torwar) location and ConFrontJS conference (Engineering Design Center) at almost the same time, and get away with it?
Two weeks ago, on Tuesday November 19th, we've gathered for the 14th edition of the Gamedev.js Warsaw meetup - it was hosted in the same building as the previous one (Warsaw #13 was all about js13kGames), but in the different place - a floor below of the WeWork spaces.
Monthly Report for October is published a few days after the September one in an attempt to get back to writing and publishing blog posts on time.
You know the saying that the grass is greener on the other side of the wall? We often envy something we don't have while not acknowledging things we already achieved and taking them for granted. Others may have what we seek, but are tired of things we are looking for.