The year 2016 is already over, so let's see how it went. Was it bad? Better than 2015? Good? See for yourself.
March 20th 2016 was the release date of my biggest project yet - Kasia Mazur. All she's interested in right now is crying, sleeping and pooping, but in the near future she'll be our Creative Director, Event Coordinator and probably also a QA Tester in the Enclave Games family.
February report was greatly delated because I wanted to finish Wizard Quest first and consider it the February's One Game A Month completed entry, but I failed.
We've decided to extend the deadline for submissions to the AirConsole HTML5 Game Contest 2016 - you have more than two weeks left to send in your game.
There's a game development competition I'm (co-)organizing and it's not js13kGames. The AirConsole team wanted to get involved in the HTML5 gamedev community and I'm helping them with that.