
Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: September 2015

As expected, September was full of work on the js13kGames competition. I was able to travel a little bit in the meantime, but it wasn't much - I visited Lublin and Berlin.


Meet.js Warsaw and the Virtual Reality for the Web

After my talk at the meet.js Lublin about the Gamepad API last month I decided to try something new. I wanted to give a talk about WebVR for some time now, but didn't want to start without the proper setup. It ended up exactly how I wanted to avoid it: I gave a talk without the working device.


Meet.js Lublin and the Gamepad API

I had the pleasure of visiting my home town and speaking at the local meet.js Lublin meetup - on September 3rd I gave a talk about the Gamepad API.