
Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: March 2017

Apart from the massive jet lag after GDC we are still being constantly sick, which is starting to get annoying. I haven't counted my productive hours in March as it would be too depressing to know.


Gamedev.js Warsaw #3

We had our third monthly Gamedev.js meetup in Warsaw on Wednesday, March 22nd - it went even better than expected.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: February 2017

February was a little bit crazy - we were sick most of the time while trying to finish the Flood Escape game before my travel to San Francisco for GDC. It didn't work.


Gamedev.js Warsaw #2

Our second Gamedev.js meetup was moved to the new location - Hoża 51, and we liked it so much that we're gonna stay there for longer.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: January 2017

Monthly report for January is here, although way later than it should be - check out what happened during that month.


Gamedev.js Warsaw #1 was a success

We've started monthly Gamedev.js meetups in Warsaw - it's a great opportunity to gather local HTML5 game development community in one place.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games in 2016, and plans for 2017

The year 2016 is already over, so let's see how it went. Was it bad? Better than 2015? Good? See for yourself.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: December 2016

As you can imagine in December I wasn't too active because of the inevitable Christmas time - I mostly focused on answering emails to not be swamped by them too much.


Gamedev.js is getting its momentum

After selling all 20 tickets for the first workshop in less than 24 hours, it was more than obvious that the second one is going to happen really soon.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: November 2016

I was able to start something I wanted to do for the past couple of years already - Gamedev.js workshops, so November can definitely be considered a good month.