
Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: March 2020

This is not going to be a surprise if I say we were affected by Covid-19 as well. It's not that bad as many other industries, but our daughter Kasia stays home and Ewa is taking care of schooling, so she don't have much time for anything else.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: February 2020

Even though 2020 is a leap year and February had 29 days instead of 28, it was rather slow and quiet month.


Gamedev.js Warsaw #15

A little bit later than usual, but here's the quick report from our latest Gamedev.js Warsaw meetup #15 that happened last month, on Tuesday February 11th 2020.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: January 2020

First month of the year was rather slow when it comes to the number of completed Enclave Games related tasks, mainly because I was sick most of the time. There's still a few interesting things to mention though.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games in 2019, and plans for 2020

Tradition of laughing while comparing what I wanted to do with Enclave Games in a given year versus what actually happened continues. Let's recap the past year and prepare some plans for the upcoming one that probably won't happen anyway.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: December 2019

Last month of the year, December, have seen a few events, and some swag being shipped to those who were suppose to get it a month or two ago already.


Gamedev.js workshop about ECS

A few days ago, on Saturday December 21st, I've helped organize Gamedev.js workshop where Michał Budzyński and Staś Małolepszy did really cool intro to the Entity Component System using Breakout game's source code as an example.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: November 2019

It was another busy month - I've focused mostly on finishing writing GDevelop tutorial, but also organized Gamedev.js Warsaw #14 meetup, and gave a lightning talk at the JS Poland conference.


Gamedev.js Warsaw #14

Two weeks ago, on Tuesday November 19th, we've gathered for the 14th edition of the Gamedev.js Warsaw meetup - it was hosted in the same building as the previous one (Warsaw #13 was all about js13kGames), but in the different place - a floor below of the WeWork spaces.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: October 2019

This month's report is almost three weeks late, but I had my reasons: it was very busy recently, mostly js13kGames, MozFest, and WebBR.