

How I've got Rejected in Berlin

So there was a week in Berlin that was fully packed with front-end events: RejectJS, and I was lucky enough to be invited to speak at the first one - it was a satellite event before the main event. There was also a lot of parties around to integrate with the community.


Win three tickets to onGameStart 2013 conference!

It's less than a month to the next edition of the first and the best HTML5 game development conference on the planet - onGameStart 2013. There's also a contest where you can win one of the three tickets worth 79 Euro each!


Web-5 - lovely conference in a sunny south of France

I had the pleasure of speaking at the Web-5 conference in Béziers on June 14th about Firefox OS and HTML5 games - here are my quick notes about that event. I really enjoyed it, spent few lovely days in sunny France and met a lot of interesting people!


Firefox OS App Workshops coming to a city near you

The Firefox OS will be the second revolution by Mozilla, it will impact the mobile market dominated by iOS and Android the similar way it crushed IE6 ten years ago and changed the way we perceive the web. If you're a front-end developer and want to try your luck with mobile apps there's no better way than by diving in into familiar environment - all of the development for Firefox OS is done by using web technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


onGameStart US coming to New York in next week!

In about ten days the first and biggest HTML5 games conference will travel from Poland across the ocean and visit USA. The good news? Ticket price dropped to zero, null, nada. If you're around New York on March 15th and love making HTML5 games it's the best place to be. Come join us (I'll be there), meet awesome people and have fun!


After the Warsaw Game Jam 2013

Last weekend was full of the game development goodness - I've organized Warsaw Game Jam, the first edition of the Global Game Jam. Thanks to our amazing sponsors - Mozilla and GitHub, we could provide cozy place with good Wi-Fi, food and drinks (mostly beer and pizza) for everybody during the whole weekend. It wasn't only the Game Jam itself, but we were working hard for the Mozilla Game On competition and thinking about fulfilling One Game a Month at the same time. On sunday evening we even had a meet.js meetup with some guys from the Firefox OS team!


Gamedev.js Meetups presents: Warsaw Game Jam

In the next three weeks, on January 25th-27th there will be a Global Game Jam - 48h coding marathon for game developers. I'm organizing the Warsaw Game Jam, and there will be three events during one weekend: Global Game Jam mentioned earlier, Mozilla Game On competition and an initiative called One Game a Month. If you're near Warsaw on that weekend come join us!


onGameStart US playable website is up!

Website of the onGameStart US conference is online and it's awesome. Yet again you can play your way through all the information, for example meet the speakers in the game. Remember to visit the site using WebGL-enabled browser to enjoy the full potential of the technology.


13 simple steps to create a compo

The video of my talk from the onGameStart 2012 conference about the js13kGames competition is already online, so you can watch it if you like. I'm still a newbie when it comes to public speaking, but I'm trying as much as I can, so please be forgiving. Now, go check it out!


onGameStart 2012 - the aftermath

The second edition of the first ever fully HTML5 games conference - onGameStart - has just ended. It was a great experience and I'm happy I was part of it. Thanks to Michał I had the chance to speak about the js13kGames competition which ended just a few days ago.