- Date: 04.2012
- Conference: Front-Trends
- Memory-like HTML5 game made to promote Front-Trends 2012 conference with the quiz-like questions about all of the speakers. The goal of the game is to score maximum points for correct answers in the shortest possible time. Front-Face is using offline storage, geolocation, localStorage and a little bit of CSS 3D transforms.
Front Invaders
- Date: 10.2011
- Conference: Front Row
- Simple HTML5 game build with the Mibbu microframework, made to promote Front Row - conference for the people, who want to shape the future of the web. Take control over the HTML5 Rocket, and kill as many evil alien Explorers as You can. Stand up and fight, the Open Web needs You! Use left and right arrow keys to move Your Rocket, press up arrow or Z key to fire Your weapon, hit spacebar to pause the game.
Online play (click to show)
Articles ⁄ blog posts (click to show)
- Date: 09.2011
- Conference: onGameStart
- Simple HTML5 game based on the Mibbu microframework, made to promote onGameStart - first HTML5 game conference. Take control of the rocket and fly as high as You can. Watch out for the balloons, birds, airplanes, meteors and satellites. Use arrow keys to move your rocket. Hit spacebar to pause the game.
Online play (click to show)
Fabric Tetris
- Date: 05.2011
- Conference: Falsy Values
- This Tetris game was inspired by a Game Development workshop on Falsy Values conference. Fabric Tetris is based on the workshop sources, uses Fabris.js library and have fancy Falsy Values design.