Warsaw IT Days


Getting back to tech speaking... with the new audio/video setup

The ongoing pandemic and the end of the Mozilla Tech Speakers program accelerated my shift in focus towards more writing and coding, but this didn't last for too long.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games in 2019, and plans for 2020

Tradition of laughing while comparing what I wanted to do with Enclave Games in a given year versus what actually happened continues. Let's recap the past year and prepare some plans for the upcoming one that probably won't happen anyway.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: March 2019

March was all about me trying to start learning Phaser 3 to update Enclave Phaser Template and planning Gamedev.js activities at the Warsaw IT Days. First one didn't work well, but at least the second one went better.


Gamedev.js at the Warsaw IT Days 2019

Another year, another edition of Warsaw IT Days. This time I've gone even further than usual and instead of just giving a talk (or two), I've organized a meetup, participated in a discussion panel and almost led a workshop.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: March 2018

March was a busy month - I've finally finished writing the Progressive Web Apps articles and gave a few talks, mostly lessons learned from the js13kGames competition.


Warsaw IT Days 2018

Here's to another year of me speaking at the Warsaw IT Days - this time it happened on March 27th, at the usual place: Warsaw University of Technology.


A-Frame at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

After I gave a talk about A-Frame at the Warsaw IT Days in April this year I was asked to give a similar talk, but for the students of the Academy of Fine Arts.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: March 2017

Apart from the massive jet lag after GDC we are still being constantly sick, which is starting to get annoying. I haven't counted my productive hours in March as it would be too depressing to know.


Gamedev and A-Frame at the Warsaw IT Days

I'm getting used to giving two talks at a single conference - it was the case with my recent WebVR and Wizard Quest talks during Warszawskie Dni Informatyki (Warsaw IT Days).

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: March 2015

With a major delay, but here it is – monthly report for March. It’s quite short, boring and a little bit pessimistic.