Given my experience running Gamedev.js Weekly for more than a decade, I was lucky enough to be offered a task of helping revive the Phaser World newsletter that was inactive for more than two years already.
This month's report is almost three weeks late, but I had my reasons: it was very busy recently, mostly js13kGames, MozFest, and WebBR.
Who would've thought I'll send out the Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter issues three hundred times in a row, every single week since the beginning of January 2014?
I spent November writing gamedev articles for MDN, demoing WebVR in London and realizing I finished a game some time ago already.
It's insane how the time flies. I recently started sending out Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter to fellow game devs, and now it looks like 'recently' was almost two years ago!
It’s time for another monthly report – this time for June. I’m quite happy with that month as I finished some of the projects I was working on for way too long.
I've started Gamedev.js Weekly half a year ago and now, when it reached 2000 subscribers I decided to move it to its own domain and polish the design a bit.