Neuroshima Hex

Enclave Games

Beta-testing Neuroshima Hex PC game demo on Steam

I was hired to beta-test the Neuroshima Hex game demo for PC that was recently released on Steam. I guess running the fan site for thirteen years might've helped land that gig a bit.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: September 2019

September was another busy month full of js13kGames, but I managed to squeeze in finishing the NSHex Counter app, and visit Bielsko-Biała and Amsterdam in the meantime, both for the first time in my life.

Enclave Games

NSHex Counter - an app for counting Neuroshima Hex tiles

For the very first time since 2010 I was able to finally mix two of my passions: building web games and playing Neuroshima Hex.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: August 2019

Js13kGames 2019 started on August 13th. Well, that's mostly it for this month, so…

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: July 2019

This month's report is mostly about updating Enclave Phaser Template and the trip to London to give a WebXR talk at the FullStack conference.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: March 2019

March was all about me trying to start learning Phaser 3 to update Enclave Phaser Template and planning Gamedev.js activities at the Warsaw IT Days. First one didn't work well, but at least the second one went better.


Gamedev.js at the Warsaw IT Days 2019

Another year, another edition of Warsaw IT Days. This time I've gone even further than usual and instead of just giving a talk (or two), I've organized a meetup, participated in a discussion panel and almost led a workshop.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: February 2019

Not much to tell, given the previous report was written less than two weeks ago. After a few months of trials and tribulations I've managed to sort stuff on my laptop and complete a full backup, including a total reinstall of the operating system from scratch.


Campus Warsaw marathon: GDG DevFest, GameCamp and Startup Residency

Google Campus in Warsaw was the place I visited a few times recently, and every single time with a slightly different role and approach, although all of them related to game development.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: September 2018

September was so extremely busy that its report is published at the beginning of November - I don't think I had such a delay before, ever.