This is not going to be a surprise if I say we were affected by Covid-19 as well. It's not that bad as many other industries, but our daughter Kasia stays home and Ewa is taking care of schooling, so she don't have much time for anything else.
This month's report is almost three weeks late, but I had my reasons: it was very busy recently, mostly js13kGames, MozFest, and WebBR.
I was lucky enough to be asked by Loup Design handling the Grant for the Web fund for Coil to showcase Web Monetized games at the Mozilla Festival's arcade booth - we were showing both Enclave Games creations and js13kGames entries from the Web Monetization category, and tossed in a WebXR game as it's always fun to play VR games at such events.
It's been a few months since I started working on the Progressive Web Apps series of articles for MDN Web Docs, it was way longer when I wanted to actually start doing that but didn't have the time, yet the story finally have a happy ending.
The submission deadline for the js13kGames 2017 competition was September 13th, but it took almost half a year to finish that edition and be able to write a post mortem.
Last month's report will be about... yeah, the exact same thing as the previous couple of months: js13kGames. At least this time I have a few resources and blog posts to share.
I've spent most of October writing blog posts documenting September activities (be sure to check September's Report), and mostly just catching up on emails and projects.
September was a busy month, even more busy than August - you can tell by looking at how many posts were published between those two reports: exactly six.
It's the fifth edition of the yearly, month-long online competition for HTML5 game developers, and I hope it will keep the tradition of being bigger and better than the previous ones.
May was a relatively positive month even though I wasn't able to finish any new game. I did a little bit of coding, writing and conference attending.