This month's report is mostly about updating Enclave Phaser Template and the trip to London to give a WebXR talk at the FullStack conference.
Two key events happened in June: I've attended the W3C workshop about Web games and presented indie perspective on the topic, and we've released our demo for the Meditations Games project.
Not much had happened in May: js13kGames 2019 preparations are ongoing, 100 Days of Code is progressing slowly, and we had another Gamedev.js meetup in Warsaw.
April revolved around 100 Days of Code, Gamedev.js Warsaw #11 meetup and starting the countdown to js13kGames 2019.
March was all about me trying to start learning Phaser 3 to update Enclave Phaser Template and planning Gamedev.js activities at the Warsaw IT Days. First one didn't work well, but at least the second one went better.
Not much to tell, given the previous report was written less than two weeks ago. After a few months of trials and tribulations I've managed to sort stuff on my laptop and complete a full backup, including a total reinstall of the operating system from scratch.
Slow month with a happy ending during the last weekend - we've organized GameJam.js 2019 hackathon with the Polyjam crew in Warsaw for the Global Game Jam happening around the world.
Last month of 2018 was rather quiet, as you'd expect - not much had happened in the first half, and the second was taken over by Christmas.
Not much has happened in November - there was a lot of maintenance and small tasks here and there, but noting solid enough to make it big this report.
Monthly Report for October is published a few days after the September one in an attempt to get back to writing and publishing blog posts on time.