
Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: January 2020

First month of the year was rather slow when it comes to the number of completed Enclave Games related tasks, mainly because I was sick most of the time. There's still a few interesting things to mention though.


WRUG - Ruby meetup with my talk about... web games, obviously

I was asked to give a talk about the evolution of HTML5 games at the… Warsaw Ruby Users Group meetup. So I did.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: November 2019

It was another busy month - I've focused mostly on finishing writing GDevelop tutorial, but also organized Gamedev.js Warsaw #14 meetup, and gave a lightning talk at the JS Poland conference.


Gamedev.js Warsaw #14

Two weeks ago, on Tuesday November 19th, we've gathered for the 14th edition of the Gamedev.js Warsaw meetup - it was hosted in the same building as the previous one (Warsaw #13 was all about js13kGames), but in the different place - a floor below of the WeWork spaces.


Gamedev.js Warsaw #13 with js13kGames

A few days ago, on Tuesday October 15th we had our thirteenth Gamedev.js Warsaw meetup, and so a special edition dedicated to js13kGames 2019 was held that day.


Tech Speakers meetup in Amsterdam

I'm lucky enough to be part of the Mozilla Tech Speakers program since the very beginning and it's great to see how it grew over the years, and that there are so many super smart and talented people around the world participating. This year's opportunity to meet some of them in person happened in Amsterdam this past weekend, on September 28-29th 2019.


Having fun at the js13kGames 2019 hackday in Berlin

We had a blast last weekend with eBay Tech kicking off js13kGames 2019 hackday on Saturday August 17th in GameOn Berlin, an arcade machine heaven.


Eighth js13kGames is on

Another year, another js13kGames. Even though last few months were mostly about the preparations of the new backend, we're still using the same one, with minor modifications, running since 2013. There are some good news though.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: May 2019

Not much had happened in May: js13kGames 2019 preparations are ongoing, 100 Days of Code is progressing slowly, and we had another Gamedev.js meetup in Warsaw.


Gamedev.js Warsaw #11 with meet.js

One month after we've teamed up with Warsaw IT Days it was time to organize a meetup on our own. Well, kind of - we had some help from our friends running the meet.js Warsaw meetups.