I was able to start something I wanted to do for the past couple of years already - Gamedev.js workshops, so November can definitely be considered a good month.
Last month I had the pleasure of visiting Munich, giving a talk to five hundred people and running a workshop about how to build games with Phaser at the JS Kongress conference.
September was a busy month, even more busy than August - you can tell by looking at how many posts were published between those two reports: exactly six.
It was a game development hackathon that happened on September 24th at CVSR College of Engineering in Hyderabad, India and was organized by Harsha Bandaru - Mozilla Representative in that area.
I wrote a guest blog post for the JS Kongress conference (where I'll be running a workshop on how to build HTML5 games with Phaser) about the current state of HTML5 game development in 2016, or at least my point of view on the given topic.
If you'd like to learn how to build HTML5 games with Phaser and will be in Munich at the end of November, then I'd like to invite you to my workshop at the JS Kongress conference.
May was a relatively positive month even though I wasn't able to finish any new game. I did a little bit of coding, writing and conference attending.