Grzegorz Bagrowski


Gamedev.js Warsaw #15

A little bit later than usual, but here's the quick report from our latest Gamedev.js Warsaw meetup #15 that happened last month, on Tuesday February 11th 2020.


Mentoring at the Edukaton

I was invited to be a mentor at the Edukaton, a hackathon that was aiming to teach how not to get scammed - it was held on February 16th-18th in Warsaw.


Gamedev.js Warsaw #9 and the summary of 2017

Last meetup this year was held on Tuesday, November 28th in the same place as usual. It was also the very first one I haven't led personally, because I had laryngitis and couldn't say a word.


Gamedev.js Warsaw #1 was a success

We've started monthly Gamedev.js meetups in Warsaw - it's a great opportunity to gather local HTML5 game development community in one place.


First Gamedev.js workshop in Poland

It's not that Gamedev.js workshop #1 was my debut in a role of the workshop lead - I did run one at Mozilla Festival in 2013 and the other at BrazilJS in 2015 - but it was the first one in Poland and at the same time the first one ever organized by me. I wanted to do it for the past few years already, but it's better late than never.

Enclave Games

Scooby-Doo promo game made with Phaser

I did a quick gamedev project for The Digitals - it was a Scooby-Do themed game that was promoting Dr. Gerard's new snacks.