Learning the truth that the only constant is change is the most annoying thing someone with a solid plan can experience. Bonus points if you're in the autism spectrum and hate any changes to your plan whatsoever.
A two-day event all about the Web Monetization API was held online on July 28-29th, wih the showcase of monetized projects during the first day, and discussions during the second. Yup, I talked about our Grant project.
Second public Call for Proposals for the Grant for the Web program is now open! The first one was announced more than a year ago, in May 2020, and the program evolved since then bringing many interesting Web Monetization experiments to life.
The very first Grant for the Web program community call was happening last week, on Thursday June 24th, and I was lucky enough to be presenting about our very own project that we completed recently.
Something I was hoping and waiting for - Richard Davey, the author of Phaser, is currently working on the fourth version of the framework full time.
Second cohort of the Kernel program, first one game-themed, ended up already, so it's time to summarize all the sessions that we had over those past few weeks.
A few days ago, on Thursday March 4th, I've joined a session about the Diverse Game Developers Fund (started by IGDA Foundation and supported by the Grant for the Web program) at the Indie Game Business online conference.
The ongoing pandemic and the end of the Mozilla Tech Speakers program accelerated my shift in focus towards more writing and coding, but this didn't last for too long.
After reactivating the W3C Games Community Group at TPAC 2020, we decided to continue with bi-monthly online meetups to report on our progress and be up-to-date with all things web gamedev. The short summary below is about the second gathering this year that happened on December 15th 2020.
I was invited to be a judge in The Web Monetization Challenge 2020 organized by Björn Ritzl from the Defold Foundation, and since the concept of having your own top 5 games ended up quite well for the experts in js13kGames 2020, I decided to do that myself too.