I was lucky enough to be asked by Loup Design handling the Grant for the Web fund for Coil to showcase Web Monetized games at the Mozilla Festival's arcade booth - we were showing both Enclave Games creations and js13kGames entries from the Web Monetization category, and tossed in a WebXR game as it's always fun to play VR games at such events.
After the first meetup in Berlin two years ago it was time to have the second gathering of Mozilla Tech Speakers - this time in the Paris office.
It seems the last few months were quite intense - either because of various events, or me finally getting back at writing. April wasn't different from that too.
I was invited by Flaki to give a talk at the Open Source Budapest meetup - guess what I talked about this time?
Instead of our usual Gamedev.js Warsaw #5 meetup this time we had a special one - Mozilla Developer Roadshow with Gamedev.js organized together with Mozilla and the Front-Trends conference and held in English (instead of Polish).
Our fourth meetup was organized a few days ago - we met at the same place as usual on Thursday, April 20th. The talks we had were quite original this time.
Last month I had the pleasure of visiting Munich, giving a talk to five hundred people and running a workshop about how to build games with Phaser at the JS Kongress conference.
I've attended JSConf Iceland 2016 that happened on August 25-26th in Reykjavik. I've decided to write a longer-than-usual summary of the event in the form of a trip report.