
Falsy Values: return of the truthy conference

After what would seem an eternity the Falsy Values conference has returned. The first edition was held in 2011 and then the Front-Trends conference took over. This year we finally had both in a single year - with Front-Trends in May and Falsy Values in October.


Sneak Peek Into The Future: Selectors, Level 4 - my article for Smashing Magazine

Yesterday my article about CSS Selectors Level 4 was finally published on Smashing Magazine's Coding section - you can go there right away and read it. I just wanted to add a few words about the writing process.


onSpaceStart game recreated in pure CSS and no JavaScript

This month's Mozilla Dev Derby are all about 'no JavaScript', so the pure CSS game was my obvious choice. I thought it will be cool to take my existing game and recreate it, so I picked onSpaceStart (which was promoting onGameStart HTML5 conference in 2011) and created simple CSS version of it.