This is going to be a weird (but not sponsored!) blog post where I brag about a whole lot of cool swag I got from one particular company, and almost all because of one perticular person, so I'd like to officially thank him for that.
June went through really quick because of the All Hands - first the preparations, then the actual week in San Francisco, and then the next one recovering from jetlag, and another catching up on emails and stuff.
I was invited recently to the global gathering of all the Mozilla's employees and selected volunteers, second time in a row after the All Hands in Austin last December - this time it happened in San Francisco between June 11th and 15th.
Today's blog post is less serious than the usual ones - it's going to be about our new employee. It took me a few months to finalize this transfer, but I'm happy to announce the Enclave Games crew got bigger: we have Barbie on our side.
December is usually less intensive because of the holidays and the end of the year - mine was quite packed though.
After missing out on Mozilla's All Hands in Hawaii and San Francisco (although I was at GDC 2017 a few months earlier), I was invited to Austin in Texas (planned to be Cancun in Mexico, but was moved because of the earthquakes), and was super excited to meet the 'new' Emerging Technologies team.
Wizard Quest is completed! I also flew to London for the Mozilla All Hands, and spent some time preparing the js13kGames 2016 competition.
I had the chance to go for my first work week with Mozilla - I was invited by the Developer Relations team (Technical Evangelism in particular) and spent a week from June 22nd till 27th in Whistler, Canada. It was a huge event with all the Mozilla employees and a bunch of lucky volunteers.