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Enclave Games Monthly Report: April 2020

April revolved around the Gamedev.js Jam 2020 that was held online between April 13th and 26th - submission time is over, and its voting phase will last until tomorrow, May 3rd.


Nope, nothing yet, but our games took over the new Coil’s Explore page, which is cool.


Not much, unless I can count another few short news on the Gamedev.js website, and writing the contents of the Grant for the Web program proposal.


Nothing at all since the global situation didn’t change.


I’ve organized Gamedev.js Jam 2020 on - there’s a post mortem coming in the next few days, but I can already say it was a success. I should’ve organized it years ago already, but well, better late than never.

New version of my personal website is close to being finished - I hope it will be out in May, because other stuff is waiting in line like Enclave Games website, and a few smaller projects, before I’ll dive deep into stuff promised in my Grant for the Web project proposal. More on that in the coming weeks.

Plans for the next month

Finish and publish new, and do the same with