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A-Frame at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

After I gave a talk about A-Frame at the Warsaw IT Days in April this year I was asked to give a similar talk, but for the students of the Academy of Fine Arts.

I usually give talks to JavaScript programmers, I am one after all, so this time I tried to make the talk as abstract and tech neutral as possible. There was only one slide with the source code, although left on purpose. I focused on telling the stories and lessons learned from the times when I was demoing WebVR content at the Mozilla booth: for example at BrazilJS, or MozFest.

Feedback from the organizers and the audience was positive, so I hope it went well. I obviously didn’t want to teach designers about the design, but tried to point out some not so obvious pitfalls and caveats you have to think about when doing so, and also showcased a few crazy games from the A-Frame category in the js13kGames competition.

Thank you goes to Magda Żelezik for inviting me, it was a pleasure to tell my story. The video from the talk (in Polish) is online on the platform and also available on YouTube.