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Tickets, tickets everywhere

Here’s the news for you, quick and dirty: the sale has just begun and all of you awesome HTML5 game developers can buy yourself a ticket for the first and the best HTML5 game dev conference in the world: onGameStart 2012!


The second edition of the conference will take place in Warsaw, Poland on 19th-21st September 2012. The first day will host the workshops and the last two the main conference event. Tickets can be bought from the conference website or directly through Amiando. The early bird tickets for € 79,99 were sold in a minutes, the regular one costs only € 99,99, so grab them while you can! Apart from the tickets for the conference, the three workshops were announced:

  • Jerome Etienne - “Let’s learn how to make a 3D game!”
  • Kornel Lesiński and Peter van der Zee - “Architecting canvas platformer game”
  • Nikolai Onken - “Building HTML5 Games with BikeshedJS”

Every early bird ticket for the workshop include the entry to the conference and is worth € 149,99 - a very low price for a whole-day workshop and a two-day conference, don’t you think? Remember to follow the official accounts to be up-to-date with the news: Twitter, Facebook and Lanyrd. You can read more info about the second edition of the onGameStart conference in my previous posts.