Falsy Values

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: October 2015

Another month passed by - I've continued my WebVR gamedev activities: writing, talking and demoing. There's still some js13kGames work to be done too.


Falsy Values: return of the truthy conference

After what would seem an eternity the Falsy Values conference has returned. The first edition was held in 2011 and then the Front-Trends conference took over. This year we finally had both in a single year - with Front-Trends in May and Falsy Values in October.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: September 2015

As expected, September was full of work on the js13kGames competition. I was able to travel a little bit in the meantime, but it wasn't much - I visited Lublin and Berlin.

Enclave Games

First look at the new upcoming HTML5 game Wizard Quest

During the onGameStart 2012 conference in Warsaw this September I've met Robert Podgórski, the boss of the BlackMoon Design studio specialized in the pixel art. They are awesome and we figured out that we can try and make a simple HTML5 game to see if the collaboration will be successful. That is how the Wizard Quest HTML5 game idea was born.