

Phaser workshop at the University of Wrocław

I was invited by Maciej Matyka to visit his students at the University of Wrocław on March 30th and introduce my workshop about building HTML5 games with Phaser.


Gamedev and A-Frame at the Warsaw IT Days

I'm getting used to giving two talks at a single conference - it was the case with my recent WebVR and Wizard Quest talks during Warszawskie Dni Informatyki (Warsaw IT Days).

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: December 2016

As you can imagine in December I wasn't too active because of the inevitable Christmas time - I mostly focused on answering emails to not be swamped by them too much.


Busy Wednesday: Code Europe and The Awwwesomes

There were two cases when I gave two talks in one day, but both were during a single conference - Hungarian Web Conference in Budapest and 4Developers in Warsaw. This time I did two talks at two different venues, although in the same city. I even managed to go for dinner of the first one after the second one ended.


JSConf Iceland 2016 trip report

I've attended JSConf Iceland 2016 that happened on August 25-26th in Reykjavik. I've decided to write a longer-than-usual summary of the event in the form of a trip report.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: May 2016

May was a relatively positive month even though I wasn't able to finish any new game. I did a little bit of coding, writing and conference attending.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: April 2016

It was a good month even though the gamedev work was highly disrupted by incorporating a new member into the team. She's young, but I know she'll be a great addition in the future.


Tech speaking reactivated - two talks at the 4Developers conference

I had a break from traveling around the world and speaking at various JavaScript conferences for the past few months, but decided to jump back and give two talks last week.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: February 2016

February report was greatly delated because I wanted to finish Wizard Quest first and consider it the February's One Game A Month completed entry, but I failed.


A-Frame - virtual reality framework for web developers

This is the year of virtual reality headsets being released to the public, with Oculus Rift and HTC Vive being some of the most anticipated hardware. The good news for web developers is that we already have WebVR, a JavaScript API for that. And with the new framework called A-Frame building virtual, 3D environments got easier than ever.