
FullStack London 2019

I've travelled to London last week to give a talk about WebXR at the FullStack 2019 conference that happened July 10th-12th in the Business Design Centre.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: June 2019

Two key events happened in June: I've attended the W3C workshop about Web games and presented indie perspective on the topic, and we've released our demo for the Meditations Games project.


W3C Games workshop trip report

Last week I had a great opportunity to meet with many folks from various companies at the W3C workshop on Web games which was held in Microsoft's office in Redmond to discuss the future of Web game development.

Enclave Games

Meditations Games: June 30th

It all started in November 2018 when Jupi asked me if I'd be interested in a new project she's doing with Rami Ismail. Given it was suppose to be a small game that takes no more than a few hours to develop, I was totally up for it.


Indie perspective on Web games at the W3C Workshop - take the survey!

Two weeks from now, 27-28 June 2019 at the Microsoft campus in Redmond, W3C will host a workshop about Web games. I'm lucky enough to be able to attend thanks to being part of the Mozilla Tech Speakers initiative.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: May 2019

Not much had happened in May: js13kGames 2019 preparations are ongoing, 100 Days of Code is progressing slowly, and we had another Gamedev.js meetup in Warsaw.


Gamedev.js Warsaw #12 with meet.js

Another month, another meetup. After the first one this year at Warsaw IT Days 2019 in March, and then Gamedev.js Warsaw #11 in April, we've met again in Codility's office on May 23rd and listen to some top quality talks.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: April 2019

April revolved around 100 Days of Code, Gamedev.js Warsaw #11 meetup and starting the countdown to js13kGames 2019.


Countdown to js13kGames 2019

Time to start the official preparations for the upcoming js13kGames 2019 competition. Why now? Because, as you can see below, there's only 13 weeks, 13 days, 13 hours, 13 minutes and 13 seconds left till the start, that's why!


Gamedev.js Warsaw #11 with meet.js

One month after we've teamed up with Warsaw IT Days it was time to organize a meetup on our own. Well, kind of - we had some help from our friends running the meet.js Warsaw meetups.